Dragi članovi,
Obavještavamo vas da se kurs Body Balance neće održati iz opravdanih razloga u PONEDELJAK 18.04. 2016. u 20:00.
Ali izgovorima nema mjesta, na rasporedu imate brojne druge kurseve od kojih ćete se osjećati dobro.
Svi ostali kursevi se održavaju u skladu sa našim aktuelnim rasporedom.
Hvala na razumijevanju.
Vaš Lifestyle Club
Dear members,
We inform you that Body Balance course will not be held for justified reasons on MONDAY 18.04.2016. at 20:00.
But there is no room for excuses; you have other courses on our schedule that will make you feel good.
All other courses will be held in accordance with our current schedule.
Thank you for your understanding.
Your Lifestyle Club