Dragi članovi,
Lifestyle Club suosjeća sa porodicama rudara koji su smrtno stradali prilikom rudarske nesreće u Rudniku mrkog uglja “Kakanj”.
Tim povodom želimo izjaviti sućut porodicama nastradalih i obavijestiti vas da će na “Dan žalosti“ 15 Oktobra fitness biti otvoren, ali grupne vježbe se neće održavati.
Lifestyle Club
Dear members,
Lifestyle Club sympathize with the families of the miners who were killed when mining accidents in the coal mine "Kakanj" occured.
On this occasion we would like to condole the families of victims and to inform you that on the "Day of Mourning" 15 October fitness will be open, but the group exercises will not be held.
Lifestyle Club